Sisters Of Song
Byron Bay’s Lil Gypsy ” Kathryn Jones ” is one hot blooded showgirl. A dynamic, seasoned performer, Kathryn”s unique self styled mix of country roots blends elements of jump blues, slack key, swing, country blues,folk and rockabilly. Her debut album “Yesterdays News ” was nominated in 2012 for “Best Album” at the Tamworth Country Music Festival in the People”s Choice Awards as well as Kathryn being nominated for “Most Promising Future Star”
Mango Tree Media
Mango Tree Media worked with Kathryn to come up with a strong graphic to use on marketing material such as poster, web, socail media and flyers for her popular vocal mentoring showcase event “Sisters in Song”. Her events sold out!
Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign
Client Testimonial
“I LOVE the poster as do all the band, it is exactly the kind of vibe I am after! I love the fresh colours they are great! It certainly has the SHA – BANG I was looking for!!” – Kathryn Jones